
5 Rivers Identified For Conservation Campaign In Raj | Jaipur News

JAIPUR: The state’s rural development department has launched a Vrikshmala riverbank conservation campaign under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) to promote water conservation and sustainable environment.
Under the campaign, five rivers – Banas, Luni, Parvati, Kali Sindh and Chambal — have been selected, the banks of which will be used for intensive plantation drive.
Directions have been issued by MGNREGA commissioner Shivangi Swarnkar on April 25. As many as 48 sites in 20 districts have been identified for the plantation drive. “Intensive plantation will be done on a hectare of land on riverbanks under this campaign. On the site being on the riverbank, the survival chances of plans will increase,” said EGS superintendent engineer Arvind Saxena.
Moreover, under MGNREGA, 60% focus will be given to individual category work and 40% to group work. “Under this initiative, horticulture will be promoted in the individual category work. Of the total work under the individual category, 20% work will be dedicated to horticulture plantation,” he said.
Till May 5, Rajasthan has generated 1.57 crore persondays under the scheme. A labour budget of 20 crore was approved for this financial year. The central government has extended the deadline for Aadhaar-based payment of wages to workers till June 30. Earlier the deadline was extended up to March 31.

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