
After Google, Samsung now wants Apple to #GetTheMessage

Google has been trying hard to make Apple adopt RCS or Rich Communication Services. The search engine giant has dropped several videos, X posts as a part of #GetTheMessage campaign. Now, Samsung has joined Google’s RCS campaign with its new video.
Watch Samsung’s #GetTheMessage video
The video is titled “Green bubbles and blue bubbles want to be together. Help Apple #GetTheMessage.” the video showcases green bubbles and blue bubbles talking about being together and the whole world wants them to be together.
The video shows a Heer and Ranjha-like conversation between two users who want to be together but are being kept apart by one of their ‘parents’.
The parent here is indicating towards Apple which doesn’t want to get on board with the idea of RCS.

Green bubbles and blue bubbles want to be together. Help Apple #GetTheMessage.

I hate that it has to be like this. Can you just talk to your parents?
I tried but they want to keep us apart
I just don’t understand
What did green ever do to them? We’re bubbles too
And, literally everyone wants us to be together. Ugh.
What is RCS, why Google and Samsung want Apple to adopt it and why Apple is resisting
RCS or Rich Communication Service is pitched as the next generation of SMS. The RCS feature allows doing more than just sharing text messages. It is more like your instant messaging app but built within the native Message app (usually). The service supports all types of rich content including photos, videos, location, links and more.
The reason why Google and Samsung want Apple to adopt it is because of the seamless messaging capabilities and to offer a bridge between the Android and iOS ecosystem that will allow users to message and share content without any disparity. The adoption is also important as it is the next generation of SMS and comes bearing advanced features.
Apple, on the other hand, is resistant towards adopting the RCS because the company has mentioned that “ iMessage on Android ‘will hurt us more than help us’
Right now, if Android users send a message to iPhone users, it appears in the green colour. Now, this is not just the colour that has changed here. The green bubble indicates that the user is using a platform other than iPhone or iMessage and the functionality becomes limited. For instance, Android users can’t be added to a group. And, this creates a communication gap between the Android and iOS ecosystems.
Apple may have to give up on this soon
Even though Apple is against adopting RCS, it may have to get on board soon due to the EU’s Digital Market Act (DMA) Right now, it is under investigation about calling iMessage a “core platform service” as per the guidelines. It is considered as core service, then Apple may be compelled to offer support for other messaging services.

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