
Trustpilot: How Amazon,, Tripadvisor and others aim to reduce fake reviews

In a bid to reduce fake reviews on their platforms, companies including Amazon,, Expedia Group, Glassdoor, Tripadvisor and Trustpilot have announced that they have teamed up to launch the global Coalition for Trusted Reviews. This cross-industry body will work to protect access to trustworthy consumer reviews worldwide.
“Together, members will define best practices for hosting online reviews and sharing methods of fake review detection, aiming to stop fake reviews at the source,” a statement said.
How companies plan to address fake review issue
This group of companies have agreed to engage in several key areas to protect consumers and partners from fake reviews to ensure the public is not misled by fraudulent content. These include:
Industry Alignment: Developing common standards and definitions for what constitutes a fake review and other content moderation nomenclature and measurement.
Best Practice Sharing: Defining best practices for hosting online reviews and sharing information on updated content moderation process and methods of fake review detection.
Information Sharing: Sharing information relating to how fraudulent actors operate, such as companies selling fake reviews to businesses seeking to unfairly improve their reputations.
Advocacy: Engaging with academics and public policy leaders to promote the benefits to consumers of review content.
“The coalition is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability. Through collaborative initiatives, they aim to set new standards for maintaining the authenticity of reviews, instilling confidence in consumers worldwide,” they said.
First Fake Reviews Conference
The representatives of these companies met in October 2022 in San Francisco at their first ever Fake Reviews Conference, organised by Tripadvisor. At the event, attendees discussed the common challenges and potential mitigation approaches related to the issue of fake reviews.
Coalition members will next meet in Brussels on December 5 and December 6 for the second conference, organised by Amazon.

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