Strict Quality Check Of Milk Supplied To Federation | Jaipur News

Jaipur: Milk supplied to Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation (RCDF) from villages by the cooperatives societies will be tested for its quality with more attention as RCDF has sought the help of Commissionerate of Food Safety and Drug Control (CFSDC).
The orders have been issued by CFSDC commissioner Sunil Sharma. Since RCDF, which produces its milk and dairy products under the Saras brand and sold it in the market, has its own mechanism of testing milk and based on the content of fat and its quality, it makes payment to the milk suppliers. The mechanism of testing milk is only for its internal assessment of quality. The RCDF has no legal rights for collecting the samples of milk under the under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (FSSA) for its testing to present the case in the courts, if the sample fails quality test.
“Since RCDF has no power under FSSA for taking the samples, they have sought help of CFSDC. We have given instructions to all our food safety officers to collect the samples of milk supplied to RCDF from villages. We are already collecting the samples of milk on routine basis, but now we will collect the samples also of that milk which is being supplied to RCDF,” said a senior health officer.
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