Artworks inspired by the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism showcased for Jaipurites | Jaipur News

Painting show
Following exhibitions in Delhi, Chandigarh, and Mumbai, Varsha displayed 60 artworks in her first solo exhibition in Jaipur. She shared that she developed a passion for painting from a young age. She says, “I dedicated my entire time to painting and drawing to escape the melancholy of life’s many ups and downs. During school and college, the preparation for fine arts and applied arts gave me a new direction in life. At the same time, my parents wholeheartedly supported and encouraged my dreams.”
Varsha explained that she experimented with mixed media on wood and canvas, using oil, cement, gauze tape, and acrylic colours while painting human and animal facial expressions with lights and shadows. “I tried to convey a message in each artwork with colours inspired by nature. Being a member of the Bharat Soka Gakkai, I have adopted Nichiren Buddhism in my life, and I tried to understand positive concepts of living. Along with the writings of Nichiren Daishonin in Gosho and Sensei Daisaku Ikeda’s guidance on human revolution, I have depicted various shades of humanity in all of these paintings.”