
Doctors take out 63 coins from man’s stomach in Jodhpur district | Jaipur News

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Coins in patient’s stomach

JODHPUR: In a rare incidence, doctors of MDM Hospital took out 63 coins from the stomach of a man with the help of an endoscopic procedure which took two days. He had been brought to the hospital on complaint of severe stomach pain on Wednesday.
On examination, doctors found some metallic lump in his stomach. When it was learnt that they were coins, they arranged for the required instruments and initiated the process of extraction of the coins.
HoD (gastroenterology) Narendra Bhargav said that the 36-year-old male patient had ingested 63 coins of Re 1 in two days in a state of depression. “He come to the hospital on Wednesday with a severe stomach pain. He told us that he has ingested 10-15 coins. When we conducted X-ray of the stomach, we saw a lump of metal,” Bhargava said, adding that they put together all the required instruments and began the procedure on Friday.
A team of doctors from the department, under the supervision of Bhargava and command of Sunil Dadhich, took out all the coins after the two-day-long procedure.
“On counting, it was found that he had ingested 63 coins of Re 1 in two days. The patient is fine and was discharged little after the procedure,” said Bhargava, recommending a psychiatric treatment to the family. He said that such persons are in the habit of ingesting some weird things in the state of severe depression and need counselling.


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