
Senior Citizens: Over 13,000 Cast Votes From Home | Jaipur News

Jaipur: In all, 10,354 senior citizens above 80 years of age and 2,701 specially-abled voters availed the facility of home voting on Wednesday, the second day of home voting in the state. So far, 25,397 senior citizens above 80 years of age and voters with more than 40% disability have exercised their franchise sitting at home.
Chief electoral officer Praveen Guptasaid that as a part of the Rajasthan assembly general election-2023, senior citizens above 80 years of age and specially-abled voters in the state have been given the option of voting from home.On the first day of home voting, on Tuesday, 9,687 senior citizens and 2,655 specially-abled voters cast their votes.
He said 62,927 eligible voters have applied for a home voting facility as an option. Special polling teams are visiting the homes of such voters and getting them to vote through postal ballots. Voting will be conducted at home through postal ballots till November 19. For those voters, who were not present at home during the first phase of home voting, special polling teams will visit for the second time on November 20 and 21.
Voting dates for voters associated with essential services have been fixed from November 19 to November 21. Yesterday, 102-year-old Bhuri Devi – a resident of Ghasedi in Bhinmal assembly constituency in Jalore district. She is on record the oldest voter in the state to cast her vote through home voting facility.
We also published the following articles recently

Home voting: Over 12,000 elderly and disabled voters cast votes for Rajasthan assembly polls
Over 12,000 elderly and disabled voters have cast their votes for the Rajasthan assembly elections in the first phase of home voting. The Election Commission sends special polling teams to the homes of eligible voters to record their votes in postal ballots. In total, 62,927 voters have applied for home voting. Voting will continue until November 19, with special teams visiting those who were not home during the first phase. Voting at polling booths will take place on November 25 and the votes will be counted on December 3.
In a first, over 12k cast their votes from home in Rajasthan
The Election Commission of India (ECI) arranged home voting facilities for more than 12,000 senior citizens and differently abled persons in Rajasthan. On the first day, 9,687 elderly persons and 2,655 disabled voters cast their votes from home. The home-voting program will continue until Thursday in the first round, with a second round scheduled for November 20 and 21. A group of people visited each home to collect ballot papers and set up portable voter boxes. The ballots will be counted along with votes polled on electronic voting machines.
80 transgenders to cast votes for first time in Jodhpur
Around 80 transgenders in Jodhpur will be voting for the first time in the upcoming election, thanks to efforts by the Election Commission of India (ECI) and a non-profit organization. Half of them have already received their voter ID cards, while the rest are expected to get them soon. Previously, complexities in documentation and lack of trust in the government prevented them from participating. However, the Sambhali Trust worked with the administration to resolve these issues and provide valid documents, including Aadhaar cards.

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