
What Shaped Tibet’s Modern History? New Book Delves Into Its Complex Dynamics

What Shaped Tibet's Modern History? New Book Delves Into Its Complex Dynamics

A book discussion on “Imperial Games in Tibet” was held on Saturday.

Tibet is known as the ‘roof of the world’ and along with being a spiritual hub, it is also holds a very important geopolitical importance.

“Imperial Games in Tibet” explores strategic manoeuvers and geopolitical ambitions influencing Tibet’s modern history. Ambassador Sinha draws upon historical documents, personal insights, and diplomatic experience to analyze the interactions among major powers in the region – China, Britain, and Russia – and their implications for Tibet’s sovereignty and cultural identity.

A book discussion led by Ambassador Dilip Sinha on “Imperial Games in Tibet” was held on Saturday. Chief Guest for the event was Lt Gen NS Raja Subramani, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM GOC-in-C Central Command.

Brig SK Singh, SM, and Ambassador Sinha presented key themes from the book, accompanied by a multimedia presentation featuring historical maps to provide an overview of the book’s main points.

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