When Microsoft, BlackBerry and other tech companies CEOs called iPhone ‘flop’

Apple iPhone turns 15 today. It was on June 29 2007 that Steve Jobs introduced iPhone to the world — the phone that continues to rule the market since almost a decade now. The first Apple iPhone went on sale in the US in June 2007, Europe in late 2007, and Asia in 2008 in a 4GB model for $499 (US) and an 8GB model for $599 (US). However, there were many who felt that Apple launching iPhone was a bad idea. Reasons included the starting price of $499, no keboard, Apple’s own OS instead of Windows Phone and more. Here’s what the CEOs of some of the most-powerful smartphone companies said about iPhone.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
“There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance. It’s a $500 subsidized item,” said then-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.
Co-CEO of Research In Motion (BlackBerry) Jim Balsillie
“The recent launch of Apple’s iPhone does not pose a threat to Research In Motion Ltd.’s consumer-geared BlackBerry Pearl and simply marks the entry of yet another competitor into the smartphone market.” “It’s kind of one more entrant into an already very busy space with lots of choice for consumers,” he added. Balsille further added that in terms of a sort of a sea-change for BlackBerry, he would think that it is overstating it.
Nokia chief strategist Anssi Vanjoki
“The development of mobile phones will be similar in PCs. Even with the Mac, Apple has attracted much attention at first, but they have still remained a niche manufacturer. That will be in mobile phones as well,” Nokia chief strategist Anssi Vanjoki had told a German newspaper at the time.
Palm CEO Ed Colligan
“We’ve learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,” Colligan said. “PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They’re not going to just walk in,” said Ed Colligan refering to Apple that was largely seen as a PC maker then.
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