70 schools in Jaipur get CBSE notice over inflated grades | Jaipur News

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JAIPUR: Around 588 CBSE schools in Ajmer region have been served notices by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for giving inflated marks to the students for result preparation of Class X Board exams 2021. There are more than 70 schools of Jaipur who have been served these notices.
All the schools have been now asked to re-assess the marks and submit them by July 17. According to information, all the top schools in the city have been served these notices because they have increased the number of students who were given high marks in range of 96-100.
CBSE central office has issued a circular to all the CBSE schools stating that “the cases of all the candidates who have been rewarded 96 or more marks should be reviewed and revised in such a manner that number of students scoring 96 and above marks in a subject this year is not more than the number of students scoring more marks in that subject as per the historic performance of last three years.”
Ashok Vaid, secretary of Sahodaya Complex (association of private schools), said, “Schools have been asked to re-check their marks which have been moderated by them, especially marks given between 96-100. Schools will definitely comply with the process and submit the marks as per the policy of the board.” It is still not clear whether the schools have inflated the marks to show good performance of their students or the marking criteria wasn’t understood properly.
CBSE has said that if by July 17, marks are not uploaded as per the policy, then before preparation of the result CBSE will moderate the marks as per the policy and also initiate action against such schools.