
Lumpy Skin Disease: Mlas Can Give ₹10l From Their Own Fund | Jaipur News

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Jaipur: The rural development and panchayati raj department has issued an order stating that each MLA can recommend Rs 10 lakh from the MLA-LAD fund for the Rajasthan CMRF lumpy skin disease mitigation fund account. As a part of the scheme, the recommendation for contribution of the amount will be made to the chief executive officer of the zila parishad. As per the order the recommended amount will be transferred to the Rajasthan CMRF lumpy skin disease mitigation fund account and it will get reflected in the accounts of zila parishads in advance, the order stated. The amount recommended by the MLAs, already being transferred to the lumpy skin disease mitigation fund account, will be made available for utilisation in a particular district on being demanded by the district collector, according to the order. This order will be valid for the financial year 2022-23.
The unutilised amount will be returned to the zila parishad concerned for the use of funds for MLA-LAD scheme, as per its general guidelines. After the utilisation of the amount at the level of the district collector, the utilisation certificate will be provided to the zila parishad concerned. On the basis of the utilisation certificate, the advance amount will be adjusted. A copy of the utilisation certificate will be sent to the chief minister’s office (CMO).


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